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Our Story

Hasan Termite & Pest Control Services, a gathering organization of Open Circle, is based on the sound establishment of modernizing client experience and stopping the regular dissatisfaction and distress over termite and pest issues. Our professional terminating army  deliberately works in accordance with the growing flying and crawling pests intolerance in urban regions, the flood of urban turns of events, elevated worries among the overall population in regards to cleanliness and wellbeing matters, and the taking off intrigue of trend setting innovation. We gathered science and innovation for tackling pest and termite related issues to ensure the cleanliness and wellbeing of your home, family and business.



Pest Trust envisions to be the most advanced pest termination organization; providing unparalleled prevention and protection services, offering guidance regarding public health and safety while demonstrating research-based modern techniques with minimal adverse effect upon the environment.


To provide industry specific pest services with the help of customized Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. To effectively deliver pest protection information to digital & physical Urban audiences for building a safe, healthy & Pest free community.

Message from CEO


“Hasan Termite & Pest Control Services has been delivering sustainable Termite and pest control service in lahore while building a solid business foundation along a challenging operating environment. My mission is to extend this trajectory into the future and turn the HTP Control Services into a leading global company.
We continue to face new challenges in our business environment; the pace and scale of change are unprecedented.
In order to overcome these challenges, the HTP Control Services has undergone an organizational transformation that includes initiatives such as health safety measures and environmental responsibilities. These improvements will enable us to keep away most health disease from our customers. But there is more to be done, and we remain fully committed to strengthening our capabilities and to further evolving the organization going forward.”

Technology helps us give you more
Control and Convenience.

Health & Safety Measures

Your health is top priority for us. We keep in contact with specialists and keep our staff refreshed in like manner. Our staff remain prepared to guarantee safety measures for a clean and sound condition for you.

Environmental Responsibility

At Pest Trust, we believe that it is our duty to think about the nature environment while as yet assisting with controlling bugs in our clients’ homes and organizations..

Customer Awareness

We acknowledge to instruct our esteemed clients of the significance of a pest free condition and measures to protect it. We are arranging some mindfulness courses sooner rather than later.

Mosquitoes Testing Kits

Our professional team always used to check the maximum possibility to finish termite. For this purpose, we use termite testing kits after treatment so there is no possibility for existence of termites.